Alabama Drug Charge Expungements
Expungement • November 30, 2017

Alabama Drug Charge ExpungementsAlabama Drug Charge Expungement Lawyer

Our law office is experienced in obtaining Alabama drug charge expungements in many counties across Alabama. Thousands of people have had a prior drug charge dismissed after successfully completing a drug court program in Alabama. However, most of these people are unaware that the arrest record from that drug charge dismissal will remain on their official Alabama and FBI criminal history UNLESS they obtain an Order of Expungement from the proper court. A quick overview: in Alabama the remedy of an expungement is for certain non-convictions and the remedy of a pardon is for convictions. (More about the distinction in a prior blog post: /528/ )

Many people with prior drug charge dismissals in Alabama make job applications that include a criminal background check. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) is the official criminal records keeper for arrests that are made on every person in the State of Alabama. ALEA also supplies these records of arrests in Alabama to the FBI. Private party (non-government) criminal background check companies can also report records of arrests from dismissed cases to a requester. These criminal background checks will show the record of an arrest from a non-conviction drug charge unless it has been expunged in Alabama.

We have successfully represented many people pursing professional careers in and out of the State of Alabama obtain Orders of Expungement from prior drug charge dismissals in an Alabama court. If you have previously been charged with a drug charge in Alabama and completed a drug court program to have your case dismissed – don’t let the arrest record remain on your criminal background report. If you are eligible you should retain our office to represent you through the process to have the drug charge arrest expunged in Alabama.

Lately, we have helped some clients with a more unique and unfortunate situation: they successfully completed a drug court, pretrial diversion or court referral program in a District or Circuit Court with an agreement that the case would be “Nolle Prossed” or dismissed, however the disposition was never entered in as a final order dismissing the case with the court. In these cases unfortunately the client’s case appears as still pending years later. Don’t wait to discover this after a criminal background check is obtained by a potential employer. If you are concerned that your prior drug case may still be pending with a court even though you thought it was dismissed, our Alabama Expungement Lawyers can represent you to investigate the case with the court and seek to obtain the dismissal order from the court. Then, we can file a petition for expungement at the proper time. Again, the dismissal would be a prerequisite for being eligible to petition for an expungement in Alabama.

If your prior drug charge was dismissed in Alabama and you are interested in retaining our law office to represent you in the petition for expungement process email us at or call our office: (256) 378-6087 or (205) 924-3839.

By Expungement April 14, 2023
Expungement of shoplifting cases in Alabama is now possible if the case was a misdemeanor (Theft of Property, 4th degree, or previous statute Theft of Property, 3rd degree). Were you arrested for misdemeanor shoplifting in Alabama? If so, an Alabama Expungement can wipe clean your criminal background reports and other public records of the case. […] The post Expungement of Shoplifting Cases in Alabama appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement February 14, 2023
Will an Alabama expungement clear a criminal background report? We are often asked that question by potential expungement clients and the answer is generally “yes”. An Alabama Expungement clears a criminal background report. After a Circuit Court in Alabama issues an Order of Expungement the process of the record of arrest / conviction being cleared […] The post Alabama Expungement Clears a Criminal Background Report. appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement September 16, 2022
Our law office provides legal representation for clients seeking to remedy Youthful Offender cases on criminal backgrounds in Alabama. Does your criminal background report from ALEA and/or the FBI report a Youthful Offender, inaccurate, or incomplete charge? Our Alabama law office represents clients seeking to correct these criminal reports. Cases Granted Youthful Offender Status in […] The post Youthful Offender Cases and Criminal Backgrounds in Alabama appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement July 14, 2021
Some Misdemeanor Convictions are Now Eligible for Expungement in Alabama Effective July 1, 2021, some misdemeanor convictions are eligible for expungement in Alabama. With the new expanded Alabama Expungement law comes the eligibility for many new types of charges / convictions to now be eligible for an expungement under Alabama law. In this blog post […] The post Misdemeanor Convictions Expungement in Alabama appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement June 18, 2021
New 2021 Alabama Expungement Law             The Alabama Legislature has recently passed a new Alabama Expungement Law for 2021. Governor Ivey signed the Bill (SB117) into law on April 25, 2021. Per the Bill, the law will become effective in Alabama on the first day of the third month after the Governor’s signature. The new […] The post New 2021 Alabama Expungement Law – Felony Charges appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement May 8, 2021
New Alabama Expungement Law for 2021. The Alabama Legislature has recently passed and the Governor just signed a new Alabama Expungement Law for 2021 (Senate Bill 117 now known as the “REDEEMER” Act). The new 2021 Alabama Expungement Law will be effective July 1, 2021. Subsection (b) of 15-27-1 is the first portion of substantial […] The post New 2021 Alabama Expungement Law appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement March 26, 2021
Experienced Alabama Expungement Law Firm Representing Medical Professionals – Alabama Expungements for Medical Professionals. Our law firm seeks Alabama Expungements for Medical Professionals from across our Country. An expungement in Alabama can clear or “wipe clean” prior arrest records in Alabama from a criminal background report. Our law firm is experienced in representing many Medical […] The post Alabama Expungements for Medical Professionals appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement December 16, 2020
Alabama Pardon Hearings discussed by Alabama Pardon Attorney, Jordan M. Copeland. Our law firm’s Alabama Pardon Attorney, Jordan M. Copeland will explain in this blog post an overview of the Application for Pardon Process in Alabama, including expedited hearings. Applications for pardons of felony and Domestic Violence misdemeanor convictions in Alabama state courts are processed […] The post Alabama Pardon Hearings – Alabama Pardon Attorney appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement October 27, 2020
Our law firm represents clients seeking Expungement of Alabama Pretrial Intervention cases. Attorney, Jordan M. Copeland represents clients in petitions for expungement in Alabama that have previously had a criminal case dismissed after successfully completing a pretrial intervention (PTI) program anywhere in Alabama. Currently, in 2020 most courts in Alabama have a version of a […] The post Expungement of Alabama Pretrial Intervention Cases. appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
By Expungement July 20, 2020
Our law office put in place a process for remote expungement in Alabama many years prior to the current COVID-19 situation. Are you delaying seeking an expungement in Alabama due to the current COVID-19? There is no need to delay. Our law office can represent you in a petition for expungement case from a prior […] The post Remote Expungement in Alabama. appeared first on Expungement Alabama Lawyer.
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